2016 Green Aruba Conference

Our Presence

The 7th edition of the Green Aruba Conference, “Transformation to a Sustainable Energy Mix”, organized by the Government of Aruba, took place on the 17th and 18th of November. Since 2010, this conference is annually held to showcase Aruba’s progress in the sustainable energy transition. Wolfs Company participated as a keynote speaker and also co-led the student workshop, one of the highlights of this year’s conference, on the balance between the island’s economy, energy mix and environment. Esther Wolfs presented the first preliminary results of the study ‘Valuing the Nature of Aruba’ demonstrating the importance of natural capital to the economy and the well-being of the residents of Aruba. During this presentation Esther showed how natural capital contributes to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.

Link to the conference

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