Sustainable collaboration between Rabobank-WWF (SDG 17)

Our Presence

On July 5th, 2017, Rabobank and the World Wide Fund for Nature Netherlands (WWF Netherlands) organized the congress ‘Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 17: What makes a partnership successful?’ in the auditorium of Rabobank Nederland’s campus in Utrecht. The congress focused on the sustainable collaboration the bank and the environmental organization entered six years ago. Moreover, the role of businesses in making food production more sustainable and the depend of business on their natural environment. The congress looked at the obstacles Rabobank and WWF Netherlands had to overcome in working together, the keys to success and what the impact and shared values mean to the different stakeholders.

The congress also provided workshops, in which experts of the involved Rabobank client, WWF and Rabobank shared their learnings and experiences interactively. Wolfs Company was asked to moderate the workshop on sustainable salmon aquaculture. A big Chilean producer of salmon presented how crucial it is to address environmental issues to their business, they are making salmon cultivation sustainable and partly through conserving maritime ecosystems. Wolfs Company guided the process, in which participants experienced what it takes for partners from a different background to establish a collaboration that is successful in achieving agreed sustainable objectives in the scope of future business. Thereby addressing one or more Sustainable Development Goals.

Rabobank and WWF Netherlands and Chile have been partnering to create a greener world since 2011. Their Chilean projects help bring about sustainable food supply thereby conserving the environment and supporting social well-being of local communities. They aim to demonstrate that economic returns and nature conservation are not mutually exclusive, but actually can go hand in hand. Read more about their partnership here.