Decision support

We believe in evidence-based approaches to support sustainable development decisions

Tailored research to help you meet your goals

Our work at Wolfs Company serves a purpose. Whether we collect data, perform analyses and research or develop trainings, we believe in evidence-based approaches to support sustainable development decisions.

Understanding complex systems

We help assess and compare multiple options to make informed decisions encompassing all the key components of sustainable development. This can include the formulation and analysis of different development, land-use or biodiversity conservation scenarios based on environmental aspects, but also social (e.g. jobs, health, education and other aspects of social well-being,) and economic aspects (e.g. cash flow, income, natural resource use, etc.)

Using robust methodologies

We use proven methods and approaches, such as Targeted Scenario Analysis (TSA), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), hydrological modelling, and spatial analysis. By using a wide variety of approaches, we identify your specific needs and tailor our research to help meet sustainability goals.

Decision support projects

Good Island Governance

Government as Shareholder Small islands, such as Bonaire, have many government owned companies that deliver public goods (e.g. water, electricity and connectivity). The economic scale is limited, so the government steps in and is either

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