Ecosystem values

We assess the goods and services provided by ecosystems to demonstrate the socioeconomic importance of sustainable use

Nature's benefits are the basis of our well being

Nature provides us with everything. Ranging from sources of food and income, to a healthy living environment and an ally in mitigating climate change. These benefits are diverse, but often downright underestimated.

Creating insight

We create clear insight in the complexity of nature’s benefits. We assess the goods and services provided by our ecosystems, in short: Ecosystem Services. By quantifying these ecosystem services and their values for different stakeholders, we assess how people are affected by environmental degradation and demonstrate the socioeconomic importance of sustainable use.

Data for decision-making

Our data are a solid basis for transparent, sustainable and equitable decision-making. We build on a range of decision support tools. We use Scenario Analysis to assess socioeconomic effects of decisions and interventions that drive changes in landscapes and marine environments. And we use Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) to inform investment propositions, implementation of conservation financing mechanisms, sustainable development policies, and natural resource management. Captured in Geographic Information Systems and maps, the results of our research provide input for strategic spatial and marine planning.

Building capacity

In our hands-on workshops and training courses, we transfer our knowledge on the concept of ecosystem services and natural capital, and on strategic planning and decision-making processes concerning natural capital. This gives our clients the tools to present informed advice and decisions within their organizations and businesses.

Ecosystem values projects