Impact management

We support you putting the right cards on the table to push the sustainability agenda in your organization

the environmental and socioeconomic impact

‘Sustainability’ is moving beyond the compulsory paragraph in annual business reports or policy evaluations. Nowadays, most companies look beyond maximizing shareholder value and take into account the environmental and socioeconomic impact of their business.

Creating insight

Business can have a positive impact on environmental, social and economic aspects by focusing on more sustainable operations. On the other hand, they can depend on those environmental and social aspects for their license to operate.

We support impact investors and businesses creating this insight. Either by developing and implementing an impact management framework, which can be used to demonstrate its impact to different stakeholders. Or by developing different investment scenarios and demonstrate how these investment decisions will contribute and impact the different environmental, social and economic aspects including a stakeholder analysis.

… for private sector

Wolfs Company has developed dedicated impact methodologies, like our Impact Scan, to gain insight into the dependency and ecological socioeconomic impact of your business. These data and insights have been used for strategies to incorporate risk management, but also to create strategic business opportunities.

… for public sector

We help governments to measure and monitor the impact of investments and/or policy on the economic, social, cultural and environmental realms. We combine acknowledged theory e.g. OECD framework to map indicators and implement impact pathways to support policy. We work with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), System for Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) and other widely accepted standards.

… for investors

Investors who seek sustainable and financially responsible investments are supported by quantitative analysis of their investment decisions, analysis of the dependency on environmental and social changes on the businesses in their portfolio. And we can provide and implement a framework for integrated and synchronized reporting on financial and non-financial impacts of their investments.

Impact management projects 

Dashboard for impact investors

Wolfs Company has developed a framework to monitor and assess investors’ impact and presenting key results through an attractive dashboard. The framework builds on the results-based management approach used by OECD, integrating natural capital and

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Nature based solutions guidelines World Bank (& Wolfs Co.)

Wolfs Company contributed to World Bank’s publication, Implementing nature-based flood protection: Principles and implementation guidance, by sharing insights into the economic value of natural capital in disaster mitigation of coastal flooding events; as well as experience

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BAMGIRE Mali / Guinea

The BAMGIRE project was initiated by Wetlands International to support Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in the Upper Niger Basin (UNB) and Inner Niger Delta (IND). Both sub-basins of the Niger River and the ecosystems

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Bonaire social media map

The analysis of social media data has an enormous potential to reveal spatial behaviour of tourists and residents. It also allows us to assess the magnitude of the tourism activity in specific natural areas. A

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