EU Overseas Roundtable on Biodiversity and Climate Change

Our Presence

8th Roundtable, Brussels, June 2016

The aim of the EU Roundtable is to facilitate and advocate for appropriate consideration of the EU Outermost Regions (ORs) and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) biodiversity and climate change issues in EU, regional and international policies and programs. In this 8th meeting, Wolfs Company presented how ecosystem service valuation can support sustainable economic development framed by the Aichi Targets and the Message of Guadeloupe.

Link to EU Overseas Roundtable

7th Roundtable, Brussels, March 2015

Stijn Schep and Viviana Luján participated in this round table at the DG REGIO premises. Wolfs Company was invited to present practical tools and approaches to assist EU Overseas in the transition towards sustainable island economies. We presented the results of some of our ecosystem service valuation studies and the tools we have developed to monitor and model green development in small islands. Finally, we concluded with two key messages: 1) Insight in the value of natural capital and its contribution to the economy is crucial for the transition towards sustainable development; 2) Sustainable development needs to be based on policy plans that integrate nature, economy and social factors, with clear indicators to monitor and against which policies can be pre-assessed. The presentation is available here: [upload presentation].

These roundtables are convened by the EU Overseas Programme of IUCN twice a year for enabling open dialogue between ORs, OCTs, EU, Member states and civil society representatives, as well as experts on the EU Overseas issues related to biodiversity and Climate change. In this session, the participants discussed strategies and funding to integrate biodiversity into sustainable development, address climate change and facilitate the transition towards renewable energy.