We’ve moved house… To the SDG House!

Our Presence

Dear friends of Wolfs Company,

We are delighted to inform you that we are moving our Amsterdam office to the beautiful and inspiring SDG House!

From the 1st April, you will be able to come and visit us at the SDG House at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT). The SDG House hosts a diverse range of forward-thinking entrepreneurs, NGOs and organizations that are dedicated to creating positive impact. We are really excited to be joining them.

We would love to invite you to our new location to chat about ecosystem services, impact management, sustainable financing and a whole host of other topics. Our work is constantly expanding in content and geography as we have active projects for impact funds in the Netherlands, assessing wetland compensation schemes in the Pacific, mapping ecosystem services for the EU and developing sustainable financing mechanisms for protected areas all over the planet!

Our team also continues to expand to take on all this exciting and interesting work. We hope to see you soon at our new home at the SDG House.

Warmest regards,

Esther, Viviana, Stijn, Amílcar, Elena, Tim, Dasha, Jorge and Žiga.

Wolfs Company
SDG House
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD, Amsterdam
The Netherlands

+31 20 568 8711